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Topic Review
Sensor Technology in Autonomous Vehicles
With the significant advancement of sensor and communication technology and the reliable application of obstacle detection techniques and algorithms, automated driving is becoming a pivotal technology that can revolutionize the future of transportation and mobility. Sensors are fundamental to the perception of vehicle surroundings in an automated driving system, and the use and performance of multiple integrated sensors can directly determine the safety and feasibility of automated driving vehicles.
31 Mar 2021
Topic Review
Classification of Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles
Uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones, are ubiquitous and their use cases extend today from governmental applications to civil applications such as the agricultural, medical, and transport sectors, etc. In accordance with the requirements in terms of demand, it is possible to carry out various missions involving several types of UAVs as well as various onboard sensors.
04 May 2023
Topic Review
Forest Robotics
Forest Robotics means robots can be applied in the forestry area. They are divided into the following subsections: environmental preservation and monitoring; wildfire firefighting; inventory operations; and forest planting, pruning and harvesting.
29 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Agriculture Robotics
Agricultural robotics aims to overcome the challenges imposed by population growth, accelerated urbanization, high competitiveness of high-quality products, environmental preservation and a lack of qualified labor. The main existing applications of agricultural robotic systems are for the execution of land preparation before planting, sowing, planting, plant treatment, harvesting, yield estimation and phenotyping.
05 May 2021
Topic Review
Multi-Robot Systems
When applications require the integration and collaborative efforts of several robots, the collective of robots is referred to as a Multi-Robot System (MRS).
17 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Autonomous Spaceport Drone Ship
An autonomous spaceport drone ship (ASDS) is an ocean-going vessel derived from a deck barge, outfitted with station-keeping engines and a large landing platform. Construction of such ships was commissioned by aerospace company SpaceX to allow for recovery of rocket first-stages at sea for high-velocity missions which do not carry enough fuel to return to the launch site after lofting spacecraft onto an orbital trajectory. SpaceX has two operational drone ships and has a third under construction as of early 2018. Just Read the Instructions operates in the Pacific for launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base ; Of Course I Still Love You operates in the Atlantic for launches from Cape Canaveral. A Shortfall of Gravitas is under construction. (As of August 2018), 23 Falcon 9 flights have attempted to land on a drone ship, with 17 of them succeeding. The ASDS ships are a key component of the SpaceX reusable launch system development program which aims to significantly lower the price of space launch services through "full and rapid reusability." Any flights going to geostationary orbit or exceeding escape velocity will require landing at sea, encompassing about half of SpaceX missions.
27 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Social Robots in Special Education
In recent years, social robots have become part of a variety of human activities, especially in applications involving children, e.g., entertainment, education, companionship. The interest of this work lies in the interaction of social robots with children in the field of special education.
23 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Dental Robotics: A Disruptive Technology
Robotics is a disruptive technology that will change diagnostics and treatment protocols in dental medicine. Robots can perform repeated workflows for an indefinite length of time while enhancing the overall quality and quantity of patient care. Early robots required a human operator, but robotic systems have advanced significantly over the past decade, and the latest medical robots can perform patient intervention or remote monitoring autonomously. However, little research data on the therapeutic reliability and precision of autonomous robots are available. The present paper reviews the promise and practice of robots in dentistry by evaluating published work on commercial robot systems in dental implantology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, prosthetic and restorative dentistry, endodontics, orthodontics, oral radiology as well as dental education.
23 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Jump Point Search Algorithm
The JPS algorithm is a pathfinding algorithm that uses pruned neighbor rules as the search direction of nodes and the position of forced neighbors as the judgment of jump points.
21 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Wireless Sensor Network
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is one of the most effective methods for many real-time applications, due to its compactness, cost-effectiveness, and ease of deployment. The function of the WSN is to monitor the field of interest, collect the data, and transmit it to the base station (Access point) for post-processing analysis.
21 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Compliant Continuum Robots
Compliant continuum robots (CCRs) are usually made of elastic materials, including nitinol alloy (NiTi), silicone, rubberand polyamide, etc. They are designed to be slender, i.e., low diameter to length ratio. CCRs have been widely employed in a constraint environment to manipulate tasks, such as minimally invasive cardiac surgery, orthopaedic surgery, endoscopic surgery, bariatric surgeryand the inspection of gas turbine engines, in-situ aero-engine maintenance works.
03 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Automatic Crop Harvesting
Agriculture 4.0 is transforming farming livelihoods thanks to the development and adoption of technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and robotics, traditionally used in other productive sectors. Soft robotics and soft grippers in particular are promising approaches to lead to new solutions in this field due to the need to meet hygiene and manipulation requirements in unstructured environments and in operation with delicate products. Soft grippers are those end-effectors that use materials and actuation methods that are soft, flexible and compliant and that enable the holding of an object to be manipulated. In this context, soft technologies can be defined as the set of theories, techniques and procedures that enable key functions of soft robotic grippers, such as actuation, gripping and shape control methods.
28 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Robot Bionic Vision Technologies
The visual organ is important for animals to obtain information and understand the outside world; however, robots cannot do so without a visual system. At present, the vision technology of artificial intelligence has achieved automation and relatively simple intelligence; however, bionic vision equipment is not as dexterous and intelligent as the human eye. At present, robots can function as smartly as human beings; however, existing reviews of robot bionic vision are still limited. Robot bionic vision has been explored in view of humans and animals’ visual principles and motion characteristics.
25 Aug 2022
Topic Review
Human-Robot Collaboration
Human-Robot Collaboration is the study of collaborative processes in human and robot agents work together to achieve shared goals. Many new applications for robots require them to work alongside people as capable members of human-robot teams. These include robots for homes, hospitals, and offices, space exploration and manufacturing. Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) is an interdisciplinary research area comprising classical robotics, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence, process design, layout planning, ergonomics, cognitive sciences, and psychology. Industrial applications of human-robot collaboration involve Collaborative Robots, or cobots, that physically interact with humans in a shared workspace to complete tasks such as collaborative manipulation or object handovers.
19 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Robots in STEAM Education
Robotics is increasingly entering the field of education. The tools, methods, and approaches of robotics contribute to the development of all areas of STEAM education, both individually and interdisciplinary. The entry highlights the robots that are most effective in STEAM education and to classify robots used in education in terms of their frequency of use, features, flexibility, manufacturer, sensors, software, programming language, connection, recommended age, usefulness in education, and their cost. It turned out that there are packages for building robots, pre-assembled robots, and social robots. Their form can be animal, human, car, etc., and they have various properties; for example, they can move and fly. Moreover, most of the robots proposed for education use block-based programming; for example, the Scratch language. Common features of robots are that the robot follows a path, reacts to sounds, and recognizes obstacles, with various sensors; for example, vision. Finally, it turned out to be necessary to design an activity guide for each lesson, which will be accompanied by instructions and specific steps for teachers and students.
06 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Goalkeeper CIWS
Goalkeeper is a Dutch close-in weapon system (CIWS) introduced in 1979. It is an autonomous and completely automatic weapon system for short-range defence of ships against highly manoeuvrable missiles, aircraft and fast-manoeuvering surface vessels. Once activated the system automatically undertakes the entire air defence process from surveillance and detection to destruction, including the selection of the next priority target.
24 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Variable Admittance Control for Human–Robot Interaction
Human–robot interaction (HRI) is a broad research topic, which is defined as understanding, designing, developing, and evaluating the robotic system to be used with or by humans.
26 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Coverage Path Planning Methods Focusing on Energy Efficient
The coverage path planning (CPP) algorithms aim to cover the total area of interest with minimum overlapping. The goal of the CPP algorithms is to minimize the total covering path and execution time. Significant research has been done in robotics, particularly for multi-unmanned unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) cooperation and energy efficiency in CPP problems.
10 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Traditional Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) was first applied in the field of robotics. Its goal is to build a real-time map of the surrounding environment based on sensor data without any prior knowledge, and at the same time predict its own location based on the map. SLAM has attracted extensive attention from many researchers since it was first proposed in 1986 and is now a necessary capability for autonomous mobile robots.
04 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Socially Assistive Robots
Socially assistive robots (SARs) have been used to help to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on older adults, including loneliness and isolation, and to alleviate the workload of both formal and informal caregivers. We identify the specific applications of SARs during the pandemic to help the older population and their caregivers. The robots all have multimodal communication abilities, and were able to perform multiple functions, including: (1) health monitoring (routinely checking vital signs and alerting healthcare professionals of any abnormalities), (2) screening of visitors (checking for masks and measuring temperature upon entering facilities), (3) social facilitation (enabling video communication between residents and families or healthcare staff), (4) activity facilitation (singing, dancing), (5) providing information and reminders for tasks (weather and food menu, scheduled activities), and (6) cognitive and physical training activities (memory games, exercises). Physical characteristics of the robots are outlined, including: height, presence of touchscreen tablet, facial recognition, natural language processing.
28 Sep 2021
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