Topic Review
Rotary-Percussion Drilling
The rotary-percussion drilling method is a prospective way to decrease drilling costs. It is obvious, based on literature analyses and finished geothermal drilling, that the Lublin Basin can be perceived as the one where rotary-percussion drilling can be used to drill an overburden of shale rocks. The paper explained the geology of the Lublin Basin, its’ geological structures, and the possibility of the use of drilling with a down-the-hole hammer, which could significantly decrease the cost of the whole shale gas drilling investment. Data collected from the wells drilled in the Lublin Basin were compared and analyzed to determine the viability of rotary-percussion drilling. Provided analyses showed that using the rotary-percussion drilling method in the Lublin Basin had a greater possibility of application than in other Polish shale basins (Baltic and Podlasie). 
  • 10.7K
  • 28 May 2021
Topic Review
Production of Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide
The ferromanganese (FeMn) alloy is produced through the smelting-reduction of manganese ores in submerged arc furnaces. This process generates large amounts of furnace dust that is environmentally problematic for storage. Due to its fineness and high volatile content, this furnace dust cannot be recirculated through the process, either. Conventional MnO2 production requires the pre-reduction of low-grade ores at around 900 °C to convert the manganese oxides present in the ore into their respective acid-soluble forms; however, the furnace dust is a partly reduced by-product. A hydrometallurgical route is proposed to valorize the waste dust for the production of battery-grade MnO2. By using dextrin, a cheap organic reductant, the direct and complete dissolution of the manganese in the furnace dust is possible without any need for high-temperature pre-reduction. The leachate is then purified through pH adjustment followed by direct electrowinning for electrolytic manganese dioxide (EMD) production. An overall manganese recovery rate of >90% is achieved. 
  • 5.1K
  • 08 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Machine Learning Applications in Failure Predictions
Machine Learning (ML) is a subclass of artificial intelligence (AI) that can be defined as a semi-automated system in which computers create an algorithm by learning from observed data. Machine learning algorithms create a model based on training data and use it to make predictions or judgments without having to be explicitly programmed to do so. In recent years, decision makers and the scientific community have paid close attention to the use of machine learning in risk and reliability assessment. Currently, quite a good amount of work is being carried out in mine equipment failure and reliability assessments and predictive maintenance analysis. A machine learning approach can be used for predicting failures and also to identify important parameters that predict failures.
  • 3.1K
  • 09 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Sublevel Caving Production Scheduling
Production scheduling determines the most beneficial mining sequence over the life of mine. Developing a schedule that meets all mining aspects can substantially reduce mining costs and increase profitability. Among all underground mining methods, the sublevel caving (SLC) method is a common method with moderate development requirements, high production rate, and high degree of mechanization and flexibility. None of the manual planning methods and heuristic algorithms used in commercial software will lead to a truly optimal schedule. In sublevel caving, mathematical programming models, particularly mixed-integer programming, have been applied to provide an operationally feasible multi-time period's schedule. However, confined blasting conditions, chaotic material flow, and frequent mixing of ore and waste while loading broken ore at the drawpoint make sublevel caving method unique to produce a holistic plan.
  • 3.0K
  • 27 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Recycling and Reuse of Mine Tailings
Mining is an important industry, accounting for 6.9% of global GDP. However, global development promotes accelerated demand, resulting in the accumulation of hazardous waste in land, sea, and air environments. It reached 7 billion tonnes of mine tailings generated yearly worldwide, and 19 billion solid tailings will be accumulated by 2025.
  • 2.3K
  • 02 Sep 2022
Topic Review
Strategic Mining Options Optimization
 It is important that the strategic mine plan makes optimum use of available resources and provides continuous quality ore to drive sustainable mining and profitability. This requires the development of a well-integrated strategy of mining options for surface and/or underground mining and their interactions. Understanding the current tools and methodologies used in the mining industry for surface and underground mining options and transitions planning are essential to dealing with complex and deep-seated deposits that are amenable to both surface and underground mining. 
  • 2.1K
  • 29 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Relationship Between Rock Textural Characteristics and Mechanical Properties
The textural characteristics of rocks influence their petrophysical and mechanical properties. Such parameters largely control rock mass stability. The ability to evaluate both immediate and long-term rock behaviors based on the interaction between various parameters of rock texture, petrophysical and mechanical properties is therefore crucial to many geoengineering facilities. The mechanical properties of a rock largely depend on its petrographic or textural characteristics. Some quantitative associations between rock petrographic characteristics and mechanical properties have been found. Therefore, the effects of these relationships on the mechanical characteristics of rock, and their extents, must be well understood as a proper frame of reference if good rock cores are unavailable for reliable tests intended to characterize rock mass.
  • 2.0K
  • 19 May 2022
Topic Review
High-Purity Quartz Processing Technology
Quartz deposits are widely dispersed in nature, but the presence of ore bodies capable of yielding high-purity quartz is exceedingly rare. As a result, the effective purification and processing of high-purity quartz from natural siliceous materials has emerged as a prominent area of research within the non-metallic mineral processing field.
  • 1.7K
  • 12 Dec 2023
Topic Review
Froth Washing in Flotation
Froth flotation is a mineral processing technique that is popular when processing low-grade ores. It involves introducing chemically treated, finely ground ore in the form of a slurry into a flotation cell where the air is also added in the form of bubbles. The cell is agitated resulting in the air bubbles rising to the top and creating a froth, as bubbles rise, hydrophilic particles attach to the rising bubbles creating a froth which is collected in the weir or using launders for further treatment. The froth is washed using various froth-washing techniques to reduce entrainment and improve the grade of the froth. Froth washing can be achieved using froth washing jets or froth washing trays, this can be achieved internally/externally with regards to the position in the froth layer.
  • 1.7K
  • 30 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Chemical Composition of Sulfide Copper in Chile
Copper is a metal that presents several industrial applications due to its attractive properties, such as electrical conductivity, thermal conductibility, and ductility. It is mainly used in electrical wiring, industrial machinery, plastic electroplating, printed wiring boards, zinc die casting, automotive bumpers, and rotogravure rolls. Copper is especially important in the semiconductor industry because, in general, the connections on chips are made of this metal due to its low electrical resistance, good mechanical properties, and high corrosion resistance. In addition to this, copper can form alloys with various elements.
  • 1.7K
  • 24 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Ferroelastic Twinning in Minerals
Ferroelastic twinning in minerals is a very common phenomenon. The twin laws follow simple symmetry rules and they are observed in minerals, like feldspar, palmierite, leucite, perovskite, and so forth. The major discovery over the last two decades was that the thin areas between the twins yield characteristic physical and chemical properties, but not the twins themselves. Research greatly focusses on these twin walls (or ‘twin boundaries’); therefore, because they possess different crystal structures and generate a large variety of ‘emerging’ properties. Research on wall properties has largely overshadowed research on twin domains. 
  • 1.7K
  • 15 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Intelligent Unmanned Mining
Intelligent unmanned mining is the application of new generation of communication technology, Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies, intelligent mining and transportation equipment are taked such as coal mining machine, hydraulic support, scraper conveyor, loader, crusher, belt conveyor with autonomous perception, autonomous decision-making and autonomous control execution ability, the comprehensive intelligent control system as the core, and uses visual remote monitoring or adaptive intelligent planning mining as a means, the safe and efficient comprehensive intelligent coal mining method can realize the intelligent operation process of working face mining, support, coal transportation (working condition adaptive and process collaborative control) or one-click start-stop operation mode (including unmanned follow-up operation and safe patrol).
  • 1.6K
  • 19 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Large-Scale Li-Ion Battery in Mining Industry
The lithium-ion battery (LIB) has the advantages of high energy density, low self-discharge rate, long cycle life, fast charging rate and low maintenance costs. It is one of the most widely used chemical energy storage devices at present. The safety of LIB is the main factor that restricts its commercial scalable application, specifically in hazardous environments such as underground coal mines.
  • 1.2K
  • 07 Jun 2022
Topic Review
Mullite-Based Ceramics from Mining Waste
Mullite (3Al2O3·2SiO2) is an aluminosilicate characterized by excellent physical properties, which makes it an important ceramic material. In this way, ceramics based on mullite find applications in different technological fields as refractory material (metallurgy, glass, ceramics, etc.), matrix in composite materials for high temperature applications, substrate in multilayer packaging, protective coatings, components of turbine engines, windows transparent to infrared radiation, etc. However, mullite is scarce in nature so it has to be manufactured through different synthesis methods, such as sintering, melting-crystallization or through a sol-gel route. 
  • 1.2K
  • 29 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Sodium Metabisulfite on Selective Flotation of Chalcopyrite/Molybdenite
Sodium metabisulfite (MBS) was used in this study for selective flotation of chalcopyrite and molybdenite. Microflotation tests of single and mixed minerals were performed to assess the floatability of chalcopyrite and molybdenite. The results of microflotation of single minerals showed that MBS treatment significantly depressed the floatability of chalcopyrite and slightly reduced the floatability of molybdenite. The results of microflotation of mixed minerals demonstrated that the MBS treatment could be used as a selective chalcopyrite depressant in the selective flotation of chalcopyrite and molybdenite. Furthermore, the addition of diesel oil or kerosene could significantly improve the separation efficiency of selective flotation of chalcopyrite and molybdenite using MBS treatment.
  • 1.1K
  • 20 Dec 2021
Topic Review
Environmental Management Strategies in Mining Industry in Chile
Sustainable development in the mining industry is a critical concern for companies because it covers multiple environmental, social, and economic approaches. The principal aim of sustainable development is to find the equilibrium between environmental, social, and economic aspects to maintain the system’s stability. In this sense, defining mining sustainability is a complex task because of the multidimensional definition of sustainability. However, the primary concern of the environmental sustainability of the mining industry is to avoid and reduce environmental impact at different stages of the mining life cycle, where the mining industry needs to anticipate possible negative effects that its operations may generate. The mining industry faces diverse challenges to maintain sustainable production, particularly regarding critical water and energy supplies. As a significant player in the copper mining industry, Chile has become a global reference. The most prevailing strategies involved implementing Environmental Management Systems, which allow organisations to define, implement, and track their specific goals and standards.
  • 1.1K
  • 28 Apr 2022
Topic Review
The Double-Tube Heat Exchanger Performance
The double-tube heat exchanger is one of the most common designs of heat exchangers used in commercial and industrial applications. It is the simplest and one in which hot and cold fluids move in same or opposite directions. Various methods are presented to improve a double-tube heat exchanger.  
  • 1.1K
  • 26 Oct 2022
Topic Review
Talc Flotation
Talc is a naturally hydrophobic gangue mineral in most sulfide ores. However, talc has vast applications in the cosmetics, paper, and paint industries due to its high chemical stability, and its demand continues to grow. Since flotation is the most effective beneficiation technique for upgrading sulfides, the high hydrophobicity of talc has made its selective separation challenging. 
  • 1.1K
  • 29 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Factors envolved in Coal Slurry Flocculation Process
Coal slurry is a mixture of finely grained coal and other minerals suspended and/or sediment in the water, generated during the coal preparation processes, accounting for more than half of mining operating cost. Dewatering technology is simultaneously confronted with obstacles and possibilities, and it may yet be improved as the crucial step for reducing the ultimate processing cost. Coagulation/flocculation is a process in which solid and liquid parts of a solution are separated using different types of coagulants and flocculants.
  • 915
  • 08 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Thionocarbamates in Copper Slag Flotation
Thionocarbamates are the group of collectors that are mostly used for flotation of sulphide copper minerals, alone or in combination with xanthates depending on a mineralogical composition of the ore. Collectors are a group of reagents used in flotation for enhancing hydrophobicity of wanted minerals. They are organic compounds which are being adsorbed on surfaces of desired minerals, thus making them hydrophobic, reducing the stability of the hydrated layer separating the mineral from the air bubble to such extent that attachment of the particle to the bubble can be made, i.e., collectors reduce the induction time. Another purpose of collectors is to provide selectivity of minerals with similar floatability properties.
  • 899
  • 31 May 2022
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