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Topic Review
Acoustic Properties of Natural-fiber-based Composites
Recent advancement in controlling noise through sound absorption provides an opportunity to investigate various porous materials including fiber-based composites. Natural-fiber-based composites exhibit relatively good sound absorption capability due to their porous structure. Surface modification by alkali treatment can enhance the sound absorption performance. These materials can be used in buildings and interiors for efficient sound insulation. Natural-fiber-based composites have advantages such as high abrasive resistance, low emission of toxic fumes with heat, high specific strength, light weight, low cost, and eco-friendliness. Very rapid growth has been observed in the innovations and use of natural-fiber-based materials and composites for acoustic applications.
24 Aug 2021
Topic Review
Optical Diffraction Tomography
Optical Diffraction Tomography (ODT) is an emerging tool for label-free imaging of semi-transparent samples in three-dimensional space. Being semi-transparent, such objects do not strongly alter the amplitude of the illuminating field.
28 Jan 2022
Topic Review
Mechanical Properties of BCC-Structured High-Entropy Alloys
A new metallurgical strategy was introduced to develop advanced materials with outstanding performance—high-entropy alloys (HEAs). Today, HEAs contain five or more multiple principle metallic elements in equal or near-equal atomic percentages. HEAs’ four core effects—high configurational entropy, sluggish diffusion, severe lattice distortion, and the cock-tail effect—are mainly responsible for their various physical and mechanical properties. HEAs present promising properties, such as high strength and fracture toughness at room temperature and high temperatures and have excellent wear resistance, and corrosion resistance, along with high-temperature oxidation.
28 Mar 2022
Topic Review
Sound Transmission Losses in DPS
Double panel structures (DPS) are flat or curved structural designs which consist of two opposite facesheets or panels separated by a core or cavity. The cavity may be any kind of enclosed gasses while the core may be any form of solid materials which can be architecturally designed. DPS have been used in various applications for sound insulation purpose. First, sound incident on the incident facesheet of the DPS, transmitted through the core or cavity and then radiates from the radiating facesheet of the DPS. The ratio of the sound power incident on the incident facesheet to the sound power transmitted through the radiating facesheet is referred as the sound transmission loss of the DPS. The motivation behind the wide industrial application of DPS is owing to their potential characteristics to absorb sound more effectively. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to understand the different geometry and material constituents of the facesheets as well as core/cavity of the DPS. The knowledge of this will help designers and manufacturers to produce the most effective and optimal design of DPS capable of producing very high and desirable sound transmission losses.
19 Aug 2020
Topic Review
Acoustical Goos-Hänchen Effect
Goos–Hänchen effect was an important optical phenomenon. When an optical wave propagates from a denser medium to a thinner medium, the total reflection generates coherent interference. The final propagated wave yields a lateral displacement relative to the incidence wave at the interface. Even though optics has a coherent effect on the total reflection of a finite-sized wave and an acoustic wave is incoherent with a non-total reflection of different frequency components, recent research shows that there is an analog Goos–Hänchen effect in acoustics.
14 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Anomalous Refraction from Anisotropy Media
The transversely isotropic media with a vertical axis of symmetry (VTI media) has been the most popular model for the sedimentary rocks in the interior of the earth. These rocks are usually isotropic within a given layer but strongly anisotropic from layer to layer. Reflection and refraction of acoustic waves between the adjacent rock layers have profound implications in geophysical applications. We discuss some anomalous reflection phenomena of the acoustic wave at the interface between the layered anisotropic rock media.
03 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Different Anisotropic-Strata Interface and Refraction
The strata model inside the earth is close to physical reality. The strata layers can be macro-anisotropic but transversely isotropic, where some are vertically symmetric and the others are not. The macroscopic anisotropy is significant for seismic waves with long wave-length regarding propagation, reflection, refraction, and polarization. This topic review provides the most recent theoretical development related to geophysical applications.
03 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Aggregation-Induced Emission Active Materials
The emergence and development of aggregation induced emission (AIE) have attracted worldwide attention due to its unique photophysical phenomenon and for removing the obstacle of aggregation-caused quenching (ACQ) which is the most detrimental process thereby making AIE an important and promising aspect in various fields of fluorescent material, sensing, bioimaging, optoelectronics, drug delivery system, and theranostics. hexaphenylsilole (HPS) is the common example of the AIE active molecule which exhibits enhancement in fluorescence in an aggregate state. The motions involved, such as restriction of intramolecular motion along with rotation and vibration mechanisms in the AIE active phenomenon, are well explained and accepted. The AIE luminogens have high photostability, large stoke shift, a photobleaching resistance property, and show high sensing reproducibility. This characteristic makes luminogens a promising candidate for sensing application
19 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Immersive Virtual Reality
Immersive Virtual Reality (IVR) is a simulated technology used to deliver multisensory information to people under different environmental conditions. When IVR is generally applied in urban planning and soundscape research, it reveals attractive possibilities for the assessment of urban sound environments with higher immersion for human participation. In virtual sound environments, various topics and measures are designed to collect subjective responses from participants under simulated laboratory conditions. Soundscape or noise assessment studies during virtual experiences adopt an evaluation approach similar to in situ methods.
02 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Polarization Conversion from Anisotropy Media
Anisotropy of the transmission media exerts a strong influence on the reflection and transmission coefficients. Anomalous refraction yields the consequence of polarization conversion for the refracted wave. We discuss this important physical phenomenon by invoking practical interfaces between strongly anisotropic rocks, e.g., between O-shale and A-shale.
02 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Soundscape Design of Indoor Environments
A growing number of soundscape studies involving audiovisual factors have been conducted; however, their bimodal and interactive effects on indoor soundscape evaluations have not yet been thoroughly reviewed. The overarching goal of this systematic review was to develop the framework for designing sustainable indoor soundscapes by focusing on audiovisual factors and relations. A search for individual studies was conducted through three databases and search engines: Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed. Based on the qualitative reviews of the selected thirty papers, a framework of indoor soundscape evaluation concerning visual and audiovisual indicators was proposed. Overall, the greenery factor was the most important visual variable, followed by the water features and moderating noise annoyance perceived by occupants in given indoor environments. The presence of visual information and sound-source visibility would moderate perceived noise annoyance and influence other audio-related perceptions. Furthermore, sound sources would impact multiple perceptual responses (audio, visual, cognitive, and emotional perceptions) related to the overall soundscape experiences when certain visual factors are interactively involved. The proposed framework highlights the potential use of the bimodality and interactivity of the audiovisual factors for designing indoor sound environments in more effective ways.
31 Mar 2021
Topic Review
3D Printed Electromagnetic Vibration Harvesters
Energy harvesting is the utilisation of ambient energy in order to power electronics such as wireless sensor nodes (WSN) or wearables without the need of batteries. This allows to operate the node over a much longer time period compared to battery-powered devices along with lower maintenance efforts. Furthermore, the low-maintenance requirements allow to operate these WSNs in environments with limited or no accessibility.
05 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Acoustic Emission Spectroscopy
Acoustic emission (AE) spectroscopy has become the method of choice in many fieldsbecause it is highly sensitive. For example, the AE system constructed by the Vallen company, Germany, has a sampling rate that can reach up to 10 MHz, an arrival time resolution of 100 ns, and an energy resolution of 1.8 × 10−18V2s (i.e., in the attojoule regime, aJ) referred to sensor signal at 34 dB preamplifier gain.
28 Oct 2021
Topic Review
Acoustic Metamaterials in Aeronautics
Metamaterials, man-made composites that are scaled smaller than the wavelength, have demonstrated a huge potential for application in acoustics, allowing the production of sub-wavelength acoustic absorbers, acoustic invisibility, perfect acoustic mirrors and acoustic lenses for hyper focusing, and acoustic illusions and enabling new degrees of freedom in the control of the acoustic field. The zero, or even negative, refractive sound index of metamaterials offers possibilities for the control of acoustic patterns and sound at sub-wavelength scales. The potential of metamaterial-based technologies has recently caught the interest of the aeronautics community. Their effect in the presence of realistic flows in the surrounding domains, with boundary layer, turbulence, is currently a hot research topic. The interaction with flow requires a careful design of the metamaterial to avoid detrimental effects and enabling the device maximum capabilities in aeronautics.
25 Jun 2021
Topic Review
Fully Integrated Photoacoustic NO2 Sensor
A fully integrated photoacoustic nitrogen dioxide (NO2) sensor is developed and demonstrated. In this sensor, an embedded photoacoustic cell was manufactured by using an up-to-date 3D printing technique. A blue laser diode was used as a light source for excitation of photoacoustic wave in the photoacoustic cell. The photoacoustic wave is detected by a sensitive microelectromechanical system (MEMS) microphone. Homemade circuits are integrated into the sensor for laser diode driving and signal processing. The sensor was calibrated by using a chemiluminescence NO–NO2–NOX gas analyzer. And the performance of this sensor was evaluated. The linear relationship between photoacoustic signals and NO2 concentrations was verified in a range of below 202 ppb. The limit of detection was determined to 0.86 ppb with an integration time of 1 s. The corresponding normalized noise equivalent absorption was 2.0 × 10−8 cm−1∙W∙Hz−1/2. The stability and the optimal integration time were evaluated with an Allan deviation analysis, from which a detection limit of 0.25 ppb at the optimal integration time of 240 s was obtained. The sensor was used to measure outdoor air and the results agree with that obtained from the NO–NO2–NOX gas analyzer. The low-cost and portable photoacoustic NO2 sensor has a potential application for atmospheric NO2 monitoring.
01 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Exercise Strategies of Athletes during COVID-19
Elite athletes use high-intensity training to maintain their fitness level. However, intense training can harm the immune system, making athletes suspectable to COVID-19 and negatively affecting their performance. Although high-intensity exercise can suppress the immune system, elite athletes should not stop training in the time of infection but use low- and moderate-intensity training. Moderate-intensity exercise can improve immune function and maintain physical fitness. In addition, it is also better for athletes not to undertake high-intensity training at the time of vaccination, but instead perform moderate to low-intensity training.
18 Feb 2022
Topic Review
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) is defined as a group of permanent disorders in the development of movements and postures, provoking limitations on activity, attributed to non-progressive disturbances that occurred in the development of the foetal or infant brain.
25 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Vector Beam with Longitudinally Varying Polarization during Propagation
The vector optical beam with longitudinally varying polarization during propagation in free space has attracted significant attention in recent years. Compared with traditional vector optical beams with inhomogeneous distribution of polarization in the transverse plane, manipulating the longitudinal distribution of polarization provides a new dimension for the expansion of the applications of vector optical beams in volume laser machining, longitudinal detection, and in vivo micromanipulation.
29 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Undernutrition in fragility hip fracture
Geriatric patients with hip fractures often experience overlap in problems related to nutrition, including undernutrition, sarcopenia, and frailty. Such problems are powerful predictors of adverse responses, although few healthcare professionals are aware of them and therefore do not implement effective interventions.
30 Sep 2021
Topic Review
LiFi Network
Light Fidelity (LiFi), a new technology that uses light to transmit data as a high-speed wireless connection system from a wide spectrum of domains.
01 Dec 2021
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