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Topic Review
Various Attachments for Implant Overdentures
This study presents an overview of the biomechanical and biomolecular aspects of various attachments for implant overdenture. We focused on the following topics: attachment systems, retention of various attachments, stress distribution with different attachments, the design and fabrication of attachments, digital techniques in overdenture attachments, and the effects of attachments in peri-implant health. We found that plastic resin is commonly used for ball and bar attachments, whereas nylon resin is commonly used in locator attachments. The locator system offers a valuable attachment option for implant-retained overdenture. Attachment retention reduces while lateral force increases with implant inclination in overdenture. The higher the retention of an overdenture attachment, the higher the transferred stresses. Additionally, clip loading produces more stress in implants and precision elements than bar-retained dentures. As such, we conclude that the ball and locator systems the best overdenture systems due to their superior tissue response, survival rate, and patient satisfaction.
03 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Polyoxymethylene (POM) is a material able to provide tooth-colored esthetics and that is suitable for fabrication of frameworks for removable dental prostheses. POM can be characterized as both polyethers (-C-O-) as well as polyacetals (-O-C-O-).
29 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Post-COVID-19 Symptoms and Dental Management
The available data regarding the short and long-term consequences of COVID-19 is still insufficient. This entry aims to provide information on the prolonged COVID-19 symptoms in recovered patients and their implications during dental management.
27 May 2021
Topic Review
Dental Plaque
Dental plaque is a community of microorganisms found on the surface of teeth or other hard surfaces like dentures and embedded in a matrix of polymers of both host and bacterial origin.
23 Sep 2021
Topic Review
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Dentistry
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have been found to be beneficial tools for clinical practice and for enhancing the learning experiences of students during their pre-clinical education and training sessions. Clinicians can use VR technology to show their patients the expected outcomes before the undergo dental procedures. Additionally, AR and VR can be implemented to overcome dental phobia, which is commonly experienced by pediatric patients. Future studies should focus on forming technological standards with high-quality data and developing scientifically-proven AR/VR gadgets for dental practice.
22 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Ceramic Materials for Biomedical Applications
The word “biomaterial” refers to a substance or a mix of materials of synthetic or natural origin interacting with biological systems. The main purpose of biomaterials is to support the healing or replacement of an organ in a human body that has been altered by a disease or an accidental event and to successfully restore function and sometimes aesthetic features without endangering human life. Biomaterials can be classified according to their chemical nature as metallic, polymeric, ceramic, and composite, and can also be biologically derived. The term “ceramic” (from the Greek word κεραμικό: “keramikò,” which means “burnt stuff”), a word that is also found in ancient texts, indicates any heat-treated material derived from clayey raw materials through a process called firing. Generally speaking, ceramics are inorganic materials consisting of metallic and non-metallic components chemically bonded together by means of ionic or prevalently ionic bonds with a variable degree of covalent character.
07 Apr 2023
Topic Review
Gingival Crevicular Fluid
The Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) consists of various host and bacterial-derived products as well as biomarkers which in turn can be evaluated for the diagnosis, prognosis as well as management of the periodontal disease.
23 Apr 2021
Topic Review
Mandibular Leeway Space of Taiwanese Children
Leeway space, the most crucial space for the alignment of permanent teeth, is the difference between the sum of the mesiodistal crown widths of the primary canines and molars and that of their successors, the permanent canines and premolars. Primary molars have greater mesiodistal crown widths than the permanent premolars that replace them, especially the primary second molar. Leeway space has been preserved and utilized to resolve crowding, particularly by allowing the first molars to drift mesially to establish a Class I molar relationship in the late mixed dentition.
10 Nov 2021
Topic Review
Applications of Facial Scanners in Dentistry
Facial scanning accuracy has proven to be clinically acceptable for use in dental applications. Accuracy is measured by comparing the scan to a control model and measuring the deviations between the two. Scanners with deviation values less than 2 mm are considered acceptable. Deviation values for facial scanners range between 140 and 1330 μm. Reported accuracy for most facial scanners was approximately 500 μm, which is within the limits for clinical acceptability.
06 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Polyurethanes in Biomedicine
Due to their mechanical properties, ranging from flexible to hard materials, polyurethanes (PUs) have been widely used in many industrial and biomedical applications. PU characteristics, along with their biocompatibility, make them successful biomaterials in short and medium time applications. The most important biomedical applications of PUs include antibacterial surfaces and catheters, blood oxygenators, dialysis devices, stents, cardiac valves, vascular prostheses, bioadhesives/surgical dressings/pressure sensitive adhesives, drug delivery systems, tissue engineering scaffolds and electrospinning, nerve generation, pacemaker lead insulation and coatings for breast implants. The diversity of polyurethane properties due to the ease of bulk and surface modification plays a vital role in their applications.
28 Oct 2020
Topic Review
Halitosis, also known as fetor ex ore, bad breath or oral malodor, is a common disorder meaning unpleasant smell from the mouth. Halitosis is a common problem that manifests as an unpleasant and disgusting odor emanating from the mouth[1]. Malodor is mainly caused by putrefactive actions of microorganisms on endogenous or exogenous proteins and peptides. Oral malodor is an embarrassing condition that affects a large percentage of the human population. This condition often results in nervousness, humiliation, and social difficulties, such as the inability to approach people and speak to them[2][3][4][5][6].
11 Sep 2020
Topic Review
Acrylate Polymers in Dentistry
Concerning the composition and method of polymerization initiation, polymers for the production of denture bases are divided into four types: heat-, cold-, light-, and microwave-polymerized. Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) acrylate dentures are made from factory blocks of dental acrylates and show optimal mechanical and physical properties, undoubtedly better monomer polymerization and thus biocompatibility, and stability of the shape and colour of the base and dentures. Regardless of the number of advantages that these polymers have to offer, they also exhibit certain disadvantages. Technological development enables the enhancement of all acrylate properties to respond better to the demands of the profession. Special attention should be paid to improving the biological characteristics of acrylate polymers, due to reported adverse reactions of patients and dental staff to potentially toxic substances released during their preparation and use.
03 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Materials Used for Customized Healing Abutment
A customized healing abutment is designed by modifying the size and transmucosal shape of the healing abutment to mimic the natural profile of an emerging tooth.
22 Dec 2022
Topic Review
Tongue and Systemic Connections Microbiota
The tongue is able to quickly reflect the state of health or disease of the human body. Tongue inspection is an important diagnostic approach. It is a unique method that allows to explore the pathogenesis of diseases based on the guiding principles of the holistic concept that involves the observation of changes in the lining of the tongue in order to understand the physiological functions and pathological changes of the body. It is a potential method of screening and early detection of cancer.
07 Jul 2021
Topic Review
Titanium Wear of Dental Implants
Titanium is considered high-ly biocompatible with low corrosion and toxicity, but recent studies indicate that this understand-ing may be misleading as the properties of the material change drastically when titanium nano-particles (NPs) are shed from implant surfaces. These NPs are immunogenic and are associated with a macrophage-mediated inflammatory response by the host.
02 Feb 2021
Topic Review
Teeth Eruption Disorders
Dental eruption refers to the vertical displacement of a tooth from its initial non-functional towards its functional position. Tooth eruption disorders may be expressed in various clinical conditions, which may be grouped as “primary retention” and “secondary retention”. Tooth eruption disorders can be manifested in several clinical conditions where the oral location, the number of the affected teeth, and the etiology of the disorders vary considerably. Eruption failure is often attributed to genetic factors.
27 Jul 2022
Topic Review
Peer Reviewed
Periodontal Regeneration
Periodontal regeneration is a technique that aims to regenerate the damaged tissue around periodontally compromised teeth. The regenerative process aims to use scaffolds, cells, and growth factors to enhance biological activity.
13 Apr 2022
Topic Review
Classification of the Luting Materials
A dental luting material aids in the retention and stability of indirect restorations on the prepared tooth structure. The luting materials can generally be classified by their chemical compositions, bonding mechanisms or clinical indications.
15 Nov 2022
Topic Review
Microalgae Impact on Oral Health
Microalgae and cyanobacteria could represent a potential natural alternative to antibiotic, antiviral, or antimycotic therapies, as well as a good supplement for the prevention and co-adjuvant treatment of different oral diseases.
24 Nov 2020
Topic Review
Rigenera® Micrografts in Oral Regeneration
Biomaterials derive either from nature or synthesized in the laboratory using chemical approaches utilizing metallic components, polymers, ceramics, or composite materials. They are often used and adapted for medical applications. A biomaterial is also defined as autograft, allograft, or xenograft used as a transplant material. In the last decade also tissue engineering and stem cells were deeply studied trying to make better autologous biomaterials ready to be used in regenerative procedures. Micrografts are a new concept of biomaterial, they are enriched of progenitor cells that are a particular type of stem cell excellent in enhancing the regenerative potential. Moreover, another advantage is the easy handling and tissue availability.
29 Oct 2020
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